
Invertebrate Histology

Invertebrate Histology

Invertebrate Histology is a groundbreaking text that offers a comprehensive review of histology in invertebrates. Designed for use by anyone studying, diagnosing, or researching invertebrates, the book covers all major taxonomic groups with details of the histologic features, with color photographs and drawings that clearly demonstrate gross anatomy and histology. The authors, who are each experts in the histology of their respective taxa, bring together the most recent information on the topic into a single, complete volume.

Contributor/co-author: Damien Laudier

Chapter 8:  Arthropoda: Arachnida

Chapter 12:  Arthropoda: Insecta

Cover art photomicrography: Damien Laudier

Publisher: Wiley Blackwell

Publication date: 2021

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