The Laboratory


The Laboratory

Laudier Histology is a boutique histology service laboratory, specializing exclusively in insects and related arthropods, musculoskeletal tissue and biomaterials. Laudier Histology was started by histologist Damien Laudier to provide a resource for high-fidelity, reference-quality histology preparations. Specimen processing, embedding, microtomy and applied histochemical assays are all highly artisanal in practice; Laudier Histology brings a strong commitment to this craft. As a resin-only company, we do not offer processing to paraffin wax or frozen sectioning services. Laudier Histology is geared to serve the scientist who requires the utmost attention to detail.

  • Musculoskeletal Histology
  • Microtomy
  • Applied Histochemistry
  • Arthropod Histology
  • Imaging
  • Specimen Restoration

Carpenter ant head and thorax stained with Trichrome. Imaged at 20x.

Cortical bone ground section of osteocyte morphology. Basic fuchsin stained and imaged under DIC.
